I am sitting here on the couch, reading up on my favorite design blogs, and the thunder is absolutely booming in the background. Did I mention its also about as dark as night outside? Its a far cry from yesterday's 72-degrees-and-sunny weather!
Needless to say, this weather does not make for very good indoor photos. I had fully intended to take some pictures of the new rugs my mom helped me pick out when she was in town. Together we did a whirlwind tour of Homegoods, World Market, and a local rug store called Carpel Rugs and ended up with 4 gorgeous rugs at a pretty decent price.
I had been working on where to place them and have been moving them around from room to room until finally getting it right (I think, for now). If the weather had improved I would have shown you our fabulously mod 4x6 rug for in front of the fire place. Its pile is fairly thick and, thought it appears to be shedding like a mad rug, the brown and tan square pattern is a subtle contrast to the rainbow organization of our bookshelves.
I would have also shown you the monotone cocoa brown rug that was a STEAL. It was on special at Carpel Rugs and was originally priced at $1099 though I can tell you that was certainly not anywhere near what the final price tag was. Evidently the rug designer had sent them 120 of these rugs in a 5x8 and then promptly discontinued the design, leaving them to drastically reduce the price since customers could not order it in various sizes. Whiles it is monotone, it certainly isnt lacking visual interest. Like the mod rug, its 100% wool and has short pile with raised berber-style areas in a loose damask design. This rug was originally in the entry way but I love it so much I wanted to see it every day and didnt want it relegated to being enjoyed only briefly by our infrequent guests. As such,it is now front and center in the living and provides a good foundation for our coffee table.

Okay, thunder is literally shaking the house!
The third rug is actually a runner. We picked it up at World Market and its a more traditional style with large winding rust and grey floral designs on a beige background. The runner is a perfect fit for the short hallway between the master bedroom and the living room. The guest bedroom and bath have medium grey walls and the hallway and master bedroom will eventually be a lighter shade of grey. With the rust colored wall in the living room and the rust sofa, the grey and rust in the rug do a great job of transitioning the two living spaces.
The last of the rugs is one we scored from Homegoods. Its actually a rug from the Calvin Klein Home collection and is tan and taupe. It is wool as well but has a short pile and is 8x11. I originally had it in the living room but I felt that the pattern clashed a bit with the drapes and I wanted to do some fun patterns on the sofa pillows eventually so I swapped it out for the cocoa brown rug which is a bit more subdued. The large CK rug is now under the dining room table. The rug color suits the wall paint and defines the dining room space a bit better than when no rug was present. It softens the room and reduces the slight echo we experienced from time to time in the large expanse of kitchen/dining space.
I truly feel like the home is more complete with the new rugs. They make it feel more cozy and I am more apt to walk around the house without slippers on just so I can dig my toes into the soft wool rugs as I go from room to room.
Thanks Mom for such a perfect contribution to our new place!

I had been working on where to place them and have been moving them around from room to room until finally getting it right (I think, for now). If the weather had improved I would have shown you our fabulously mod 4x6 rug for in front of the fire place. Its pile is fairly thick and, thought it appears to be shedding like a mad rug, the brown and tan square pattern is a subtle contrast to the rainbow organization of our bookshelves.
I would have also shown you the monotone cocoa brown rug that was a STEAL. It was on special at Carpel Rugs and was originally priced at $1099 though I can tell you that was certainly not anywhere near what the final price tag was. Evidently the rug designer had sent them 120 of these rugs in a 5x8 and then promptly discontinued the design, leaving them to drastically reduce the price since customers could not order it in various sizes. Whiles it is monotone, it certainly isnt lacking visual interest. Like the mod rug, its 100% wool and has short pile with raised berber-style areas in a loose damask design. This rug was originally in the entry way but I love it so much I wanted to see it every day and didnt want it relegated to being enjoyed only briefly by our infrequent guests. As such,it is now front and center in the living and provides a good foundation for our coffee table.

Okay, thunder is literally shaking the house!
The third rug is actually a runner. We picked it up at World Market and its a more traditional style with large winding rust and grey floral designs on a beige background. The runner is a perfect fit for the short hallway between the master bedroom and the living room. The guest bedroom and bath have medium grey walls and the hallway and master bedroom will eventually be a lighter shade of grey. With the rust colored wall in the living room and the rust sofa, the grey and rust in the rug do a great job of transitioning the two living spaces.
The last of the rugs is one we scored from Homegoods. Its actually a rug from the Calvin Klein Home collection and is tan and taupe. It is wool as well but has a short pile and is 8x11. I originally had it in the living room but I felt that the pattern clashed a bit with the drapes and I wanted to do some fun patterns on the sofa pillows eventually so I swapped it out for the cocoa brown rug which is a bit more subdued. The large CK rug is now under the dining room table. The rug color suits the wall paint and defines the dining room space a bit better than when no rug was present. It softens the room and reduces the slight echo we experienced from time to time in the large expanse of kitchen/dining space.
I truly feel like the home is more complete with the new rugs. They make it feel more cozy and I am more apt to walk around the house without slippers on just so I can dig my toes into the soft wool rugs as I go from room to room.
Thanks Mom for such a perfect contribution to our new place!