I found something wonderful today on Craigslist. I had spotted a similar item on craigslist before but it was painted too darkly for my taste and they were asking more than I wanted to pay for it. This piece is much more my style since its natural wood with a thin varnish and the price is just about right.
Its an antique sewing box! And it will serve multiple purposes. I am in need of a place to put all my sewing crap. That hobby certainly contributes to the build up of stuff such as scissors and thread and needles and scraps of fabric so its good to have a place for all that. My previous storage solution was a plastic bag from Joanns. While the bag helped contain all the sewing stuff, you cant set your coffee on it, or a picture frame, or even admire it for its creative structure and aethetic appeal. You can do all that and more with this antique sewing box.
The best thing is that it doesnt require any work so its not another project piece and it doesnt require a long drive across town to pick up since the current owners live in my same town. I think it will be great as an occational table between the two chairs in the living room. I can hardly wait to bring it home with me!
Its an antique sewing box! And it will serve multiple purposes. I am in need of a place to put all my sewing crap. That hobby certainly contributes to the build up of stuff such as scissors and thread and needles and scraps of fabric so its good to have a place for all that. My previous storage solution was a plastic bag from Joanns. While the bag helped contain all the sewing stuff, you cant set your coffee on it, or a picture frame, or even admire it for its creative structure and aethetic appeal. You can do all that and more with this antique sewing box.
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Just look at all that storage! |
The best thing is that it doesnt require any work so its not another project piece and it doesnt require a long drive across town to pick up since the current owners live in my same town. I think it will be great as an occational table between the two chairs in the living room. I can hardly wait to bring it home with me!