I sanded everything but the cabinet fronts last night! It made such a dusty mess that I am determined to take the cabinet doors outside to sand even though temperatures are supposed to below freezing this weekend. At least taking them outside will minimize the damage to our nose and lungs and our kitties that have to live in the disaster zone.
Hoping to urge the process along, I sanded them after I got home last night thinking that we would HAVE to paint this weekend - being past the point of no return - and, knowing me, the project would be completed by Sunday.
The prior owners did some half-ass work evidently because when I sanded some areas the paint just started to peel off. In other areas you can see the wood finish through the paint even though I just did a very light sanding job to rough up the surface.
Regardless of their errors and misjudgements, our cabinets will be glistening and beautiful by weekend's end!
Hoping to urge the process along, I sanded them after I got home last night thinking that we would HAVE to paint this weekend - being past the point of no return - and, knowing me, the project would be completed by Sunday.
The prior owners did some half-ass work evidently because when I sanded some areas the paint just started to peel off. In other areas you can see the wood finish through the paint even though I just did a very light sanding job to rough up the surface.
Regardless of their errors and misjudgements, our cabinets will be glistening and beautiful by weekend's end!